About this Skype Collaboration

After reading the book, The Same Day in March by Marilyn Singer or watching the Youtube video of the story, classes will collect data of the temperatures and compare with other classes around the world. Classroom will have the opportunity to either record their data each day or to record just for March 1 and March 31 for a “In Like A Lion” Discussion with their class.
All participating classes will have access to a collaborative spreadsheet where daily weather data will be collected and shared. In addition, classes will have the opportunity to connect with a partner class through Skype.
Classrooms will compare/contrast daily weather data and patterns in each other’s geographic country, region or community during the month of March.
We invite classes from all over the world to join us in this collaborative learning experience around weather, math, and cultural awareness. As an extension, we are hoping that many of the participating classes will be motivated to share their daily data, findings and thought with the rest of us using the #SDIM18 hashtag on Twitter and follow the project through @SameDayinMarch.
We would love to have you join us as we celebrate the power of literacy by grabbing a book and integrating it with math and technology.
A list of participating classes along with contact info will be shared with teachers that register and participate in the project. Teachers that chose to participate can send basic info about their class/ school and we will upload it to the website . When recording your school data please make sure to find the tab for your school at the bottom.
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